Dear readers, You must have understand after seeing this image ,that what I am going to talk on today..... Each and every place has occupied with a monster called "CORONA". There is rarely someone who has left unawared about CORONA,as it has covered a whole world into it.. We all have seen and heard about Corona everywhere like in news,in general discussion,talks etc..... nothing has remained outside the coverage of this seems like a nightmare but in no time it has spreaded everywhere and soon declared "PANDEMIC" by World Health Organization..... After taken into consideration it's huge and adverse impact immediate action has taken by so many India declared lockdown period for 21 days to cope up with it.... AIIMS Delhi has set up task force to develop a management vprotocol for covid -19... One of the m...
Hello friends, This is my newly created blog in which you will going to find something interesting,unique and thoughts will definitely create an impact on your lives...I will give you the right pathways for living life stay tuned ..keep smiling.....😄😄