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Showing posts from July, 2020


Hello friends,    After long days gap,I came up with new so relatable topic is " COMFORT ZONE" .... So let's get started our today's topic..       Everyone of us wants to live Comfortably at our own pace, without struggling, without taking any kind of hardwork just we want, that things goes smoothly without ever stepping out of our ease.. That's nothing but the Comfort Zone...      So before moving ahead let me elaborate it briefly that What exactly Comfort Zone is?? All of us have heard this word at many times,at many places so what is means??πŸ€”πŸ€”....So here I am to tell you in detail let's move on...          COMFORT ZONE - " It is a psychologic state of mind where, person is at its ease and having low level of stress where steady level of performance is possible to happen "... Or "  Boundries created by our ownselves , for our ownselves where, everything is happening smoothly without...


         Hello, Hey What's Up guys .....!βœŒοΈβœŒοΈπŸ€˜πŸ€˜πŸ™‹I                  hope you all are good and safe at your                let's get started the topic to talk on....πŸ‘‡           Today's topic which I am going to share my view is quiet different ...I have chosen this topic to talk on because I really felt that I must speak out about those things which are really going wrong ..that may be in any industry ,in any sector like bollywood, corporate etc...Noone is really don't cared about these things which I am going to talk on... because, everyone is showing that we are busy in our lives,and we don't have time to interact ,to understand someone's feeling ...I was thinking to wrote an article on this topic after one suicide case came infront of all of us few days back...πŸ™          I...