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All about depression.....

                            " DEPRESSION ".....✍️
                Yes readers ,you all have read it right,i am going to talk on a most commonly seen topic and sometimes may be too dangerous ...what we call it as "Depression"...
           It is that state of mind where mind become restless,and brain is not able to judge anything,or handle the situation or even not able to take a simple decisions in one's life..
       When one is suffering from this state of mind one feel boar,and slowly lacking interest in own's life and connection to the world get almost simply means ,it affects our health as well as whole life negatively.. depressed person always want to stay alone and don't want to talk to anyone..
          Let's have a look on some of its SYMPTOMS -
It may vary from mild to severe and can include -
1.feeling sad or depresses mood.
2.loss of interest or pleasure in any activity.
3.change in appetite.
4.trouble sleeping.
5.loss of energy.
6.feeling worthless
7.feeling guilty.
8.thoughts of death or suicide.

          Depression is different from sadness or beacause grief is temporary phenomena and it's normal or natural,that any common or rational person acts in the situations like ,death of any loved person,loss of job, financial problem, ending of relationship major Depression cases one feel worthless or feeling like lowering self respect or self esteem...

  Earlier we have found more cases of depression ,and the main cause behind it is lack of communication or because now a days every single person has a gadget called mobile , through which one can easily connect within a second and it provides both the things pros as well as cons..
     1.Medication -
        If one is having symtomps like above,should immediately consult to a if it gets chronic it is difficult to cure or come out of it..
    2.Psychotherapy -
            That may be helpful to cope up with is also called as Talking therapy...
    3.Conversation -
          This is one of the best remedy and can be easily done by our family it has no side effects and no harm.. conversation is the solution to solve any problem ..
  So ,at last it's my humble request to all you readers,we have given life at stay cool ,stay happy ..don't take a burden of anything..and don't feel hesitate to share your problems with whom you think regular meditation and yoga exercise daily it will relax your whole body and reenergies you as well as it will maintain balance and peace in your stay blessed ,stay happy...πŸ™βœοΈ
      Let's start a new life by saying this -
Thank You !


  1. Hello readers,this is my step of creating awareness among all of you..I hope you got my point .. please do share and comment me here..
    Thank you !


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