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Skin care tips .....

                         SKIN CARE TIPS.......✍️
 Hello friends,
        You all have read a lot on skin care tips,but here I am going to provide you some tried and helpful home remedies..
    All of us have more concern with our skin,as our skin is quite delicate or gentle,so it needs extra attention and care..if we don't take proper care of it,then it gets damage like other body parts,our skin needs little bit additional nourishment to improve and retain its texture and prevent it from pollution and for the sake of our skin we can heel it from within by just doing some of the following steps -
I bifurcated it in 3 ways -
1.Internal body (Intake) care
3.external body care

1.internal body care -
     First of all we have to focus on our daily food intake..Eat any fruit a day regularly..
Eat food which contains more fiber and more green and leafy vegetables and some fruit juices...
Drink plenty of water,at least 3-4Ltr. a if our body is hydrated enough our skin become flawless and water helps to digest food easily..

2.Yoga -
     Yoga , exercise or pranayam plays a vital role in maintaining the balance at physical as well as at a mental practice it daily will definitely improves your skin texture and posture...

3.External skin care -
    Our colour of skin is depends on the presence of Melanin..there are 3 skin types - Oily , Combination,and our external skin comes more in contact with the sunlight , pollution,dust it has to be treated very carefully...

For the sake of our skin following are some easy natural remedies which you must follow after knowing your skin type..

      You should cleanse your face at least twice in a day ..first is before going outside and second is before going to bed..what you should use for cleansing is - Use raw milk add some rose water into it mix well..and with the help of cotton balls apply on a face..OR you can use coconut oil instead..

       To remove dead skin , black or white heads especially around our nose and chin,we must scrub 2times in a week...just take 1 bowl rice soak it overnight or for 3-4hours..after that ,grind it in mixer leave it scrub like consistency..add some rose water + a pinch of turmeric + 1-2tbsp of honey mix it well and make a paste apply on your face,rub it gently on your face...

      You can use simply a rose water as a tonner homemade or readymade..OR you can make it at your home-
 Just take 1/2 lemon's juice  + rose water into it + boil a water after adding handfull of neem leaves,and add this water into it..and use as a tonner ...neem leaves has a antibacterial and antifungal properties which is best suited for our skin..and lemon has a anti-ageing properties which is best for any skin type..

       To close the open pores we have to apply moisturizer ...we can use branded moisturizer like Nivea,Lakme etc which is suited for our skin...OR you can simply apply coconut milk or rose water + glycerine + lemon juice mixture as a moisturizer...

  After taken into consideration the above mentioned information ,I hope you will find it easy and helpful...I am definitely sure if you follow this routine without interruption it will proved you a lot ...

Who doesn't like a flawless skin like above,Isn't it ??
So along with such care at home with natural remedies you can also Use Biotique' s Best Face and Body lotion with SPF 40 and it's Paraben and SLS free..and it is reached in Vitamin without hesitating you can use it ...
Biotique's Lotion
     So what are waiting for ,start trying it from now...! Have a healthy skin ahead....!
                        Thank You !✍️


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