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      Hello friends,here I have come up with another important topic with which you can easily connect my last article you might have gone through my life experiences brief you might be questioned that how should we live the life..??πŸ€”πŸ€” So here I am to help you out guys with my own thoughts....
           It is very big question in front of all of us that what are the ways to live the life ??As we all knows that there is no hard and fast rule for living life.. everyone has their own thoughts, intuitions, attitude towards how betterly one can live..but we didn't pay attention to our lifestyle,our likes- dislikes,our situation ,what we want from life ,we easily ignore it... We just paying attention towards what others people think ,what they are doing to make them more happy bla blaa blaaaaa.....we just comparing ourselves with others ,who have already achieved a great success in their lives and lived happily and satisfactorily....🀦we bother a lot just thinking about other's lives..
           We ourself are responsible for creating such king of mindset...we are feeding wrong thoughts ,wrong beliefs in our mind and thus creating worst version of us that's really a bitter truth about us...we just wanted to be like others and Live like others which we can't..but the thing we just apparently seen there ,that has worth.. because others have made that much of sacrifices ,had taken lots of hardwork ,they work on improving themselves and maintaining self discipline in them...and because they deserve the better life they are living in this way as we  just dreamt to be....they regularly working and making best version of themselves as they are not the ones as like us who just comparing and dreaming to live like them..
        We just see the success they had achieved and living comfortablly now...we just dreamt to be like them but no one is ready to struggle ,and not ready to put such huge efforts into it...if we really want life like them then start from this moment..first learn form their on our weaknesses,make a blueprint to achieve SWOT Analysis..
         Life has no ending ,it's like a road which never ends at a certain destination...we have to keep moving and moving...everyone of us have given a freedom to live the way we love ,but just remember one thing don't harm the environment and don't distb others...
            Life is filled with like colours (emotions) which may be dark or fade sometimes like our emotions such as happy,sad, excited,angry I mentioned here it's filled with colours so like all colours have its meaning some teaches us to be calm,to be active,to be patient,to be good decision maker,to be honest,to be prosperous etc....we just try to fix them in our life as per the circumstances and ups downs comes in our way...we face different kinds of problems at every different stage of our life the way we see and think towards it makes us what we are today...
         Another example with you can correlate is "FLOWERS"..see them they blossom in every situation whether it may be good or bad..they don't differentiate with the situation just known the one thing that is just "BLOSSOM"πŸŒΉπŸ’  spread fragrance and freshness overall....they don't bother what other will think..or it never compare themselves with any other thing that they are more happy than me or whatever try to be like flowers ..never worry too much and never stuck to a single problem..just take a decision and move on..we have given life once don't think that much...if the things are meant to be it will's of no use that if you decide that should happen or not happen if it meant to be it will stay calm and strong even though the situation is not in our favour...make yourself strong and confident to deal with any kind of situations so that once in a day life itself will say you deserve a better thing and it will starts working in favour...😊😊
            I would also like to share one more example here....we all have seen the tress ,plants etc...when spring season comes it brings freshness along with it and new leaves started growing on the trees..and in other season it takes away leaves along with it...but there is no regret or grief for what has lost ....and no celebration for what has gained....our attitude should also like trees..we should not regret for what has lost ..and never get your head tossed or spin due to success...just stay balanced even though situation is not working according to our way of thinking.....if you follow it you will definitely learn to surf through obstacles and lived happily and will also love our life.....
        Yess definitely,life is like peaks and valleys of means peaks implies ups and valleys implies downs in just change the way of thinking and take every situation positively and try to find opportunity into it...don't feel bored ,just stay confident because if you stay positive it will give you more courage and strength to tackle and handle the situations....
            I would like to summed up with the following points -
1.Dont regret ,just stay calm everything will be fine as the time passes..
2.Dont tossed your head with success or failure..
3.Never be egoistic ..
4.Try to live life like a flowers and trees...
5.Dont compare our life with others ..
6.Try to make best version of yourself..
7.keep positive attitude. strong and confident in every situation..
9.Dont expect anything from others or from our life..
10. Don't take decision when we are happy and don't say a word when we are angry..
   So guys these are some tips which I have shared with you..I am requesting to all of you ,just be patient and believe in your ownself..just do right work and don't do such a work which will turns into regret after sometime...stay cool...
And just remember following -
thank you.....πŸ˜ŠπŸ™.....


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