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Study Tips.....βœοΈπŸ“
Hello friends,
       How are you ?? How is your study is going on these days' ?? You haven't found any startegies or tips to study smartly ?? Or You have applied the strategies but it won't work for you ?? Are you in search of any better study startegies for the same?? Are you in search of strategies which kept no room for doubts how to study for cracking any exam ?? So you are at the right place......and at the right I am to help you out from this let's gets started.....πŸ‘‡β˜ΊοΈ
            You must have applied and heard a lots of tips , tricks and strategies for your study , Right ?? But ,have you really found that tips helpful ?? You must have to think before applying any of the tips to your study .. whether it is suitable for your study,exam etc...whether it is convenient to apply and creates value addition to your efforts and on and so tips won't give you success has to be applied and practice consistently for getting good results....

             So, Strategies may differ from exam to exam , subject to subject ,time to time etc..As we move into next level of education...even sometimes person to person.. because every one has a different Intelligent Quotient and different grasping ability......but the basics remains the same .. e.g. Golden rules of Accounts subjects i.e.Personal ,Real and Nominal....just it's form and application techniques changes as per needs.. strategies may not be stay constant over the period of time,it must have to vary after taking into consideration the level of must be shaped up in and frame or form in a wise manner.....

              I am stating some tips or strategies for all of you guys for your betterment in studies....I am not saying that my strategies will work like miracles but Yes ,I am definitely assuring one thing ,that it will help you succeed in near future....πŸ‘

         Along with the study we must have to work on our thoughts and mindsets.... because that plays vital role in our tips is also essential to put our efforts in right direction ..same thing happens with mindset.... because if we have negative thoughts in our mind ,then nothing will work good for us....even just framing strategy won't work great unless and until you put it into practice on regular you must have to take "Right actions,at right time,and at right place..."like for e.g. strategy applied for maths can't be apply to other subjects like science,history , English etc....and vice a versa.....
           So basically ,the tips will revolve around 3 things or we can simply say 3 aspects....
1) Schooling period 
2) Academics
3) professional or competitive exam studies
       So let's see it one by one....
1) Schooling -
           There is no hard and fast rule for school level study ...simply we just have to attend lectures in the school..and doing extra revision in tuition if have...and again practice or revising all at home on our own....there is no as such tips for this kind of studies...just be simply attentive in the class and pay peer attention...and revise taught lessons per's that simple....

 2) Academics -
          It's just one level up after completing's quite difficult than school level you have to frame strategies subject wise .. because as subject vary it's content wise ..and it needs written practice for practical subjects and for theory subjects you can use sticky notes,highlighter to mark key points to remember afterwards...
          Then comes another thing here can prepare your own handwritten notes for reference at the time of your exam for quick can find some short tricks to remember the key words of the answers for theory can attend college lectures or attend private coaching...but at last it's upto you to revise it at can seek help from your teachers as well for preparing notes on your own....that's it....nothing big deal here too....
 3) Professional or Competitive Exam Study -
             It's like ,no comparison and no relation or nothing to do with your schooling intelligence ,your academics study strategy ,your study techniques nothing's just about forming your own way of learning and making things easier to grasp fast and retain for longer period of time....
      Still ,I have gathered some tips from my experience while learning and applying,which will also be helpful for you in your professional study ....
      First of all here the syllabus is too vast to go through and cover ...and there are lot of things which keep on changing from time to we also have to be upto date ...
    So remember following tips for it..-
           . Start making your self handwritten notes..
           . Make it in chart or table format for easy to  
              Understand and recall.
           . Keep all formulaes in single book ..
           . Use highlighter while studying and 
              Underline the key words..
           . After finishing a topic just visualise it in 
              In your mind..and note it on the paper ..
            . And at last remember 4 R's -
      Read,Revise,Remind and Retain....
That we must revise our study within 1 week ..then after 1 month etc..
 In professional level studies ,"What not to read is more important than what to read" we have vast syllabus and subjects to cover within stipulated time...Hence ,we must make a plan first. Then execute it. Then keep on reviewing it...
      For the sake of being focused we have to practice yoga, exercises,and mediation that our mind will respond our efforts in better way..and it will help us to retain it for longer period of time...
So above are some tips for more thing ,you must have to stay positive and motivated so that study become easier and can be remember on stay tuned......good luck...
Thank you...! πŸ™πŸ™ 



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