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SWOT ANALYSIS - A Key Factor In Career.......✍️

       Hello friends,
              Welcome once again to my blog...You         might have gone through my previous articles and I hope you must have found it helpful....In today's article I am going to write on "SWOT ANALYSIS"....SWOT ANALYSIS Brief View..

        First of all I would like to split S,W,O,T contains in SWOT word what that word suggests us..??then we will move towards its in-depth analysis after considering its scope and importance in sectors like ,Business,Carporates, Institutions ,Self etc...So please go through this article till the end...

S - Strength
W - Weakness
O - Opportunity
T - Threat
    Let's ellaborate all this terms individually -
 * Strength - 
       1) Business Perspective - it means " That plus or positive point which is advantageous for the progress of the business over its competitors.."its good to have strength for long term so that one can easily cope up with the difficulties comes in the way...
E.g. Quality Products and services, Hygienic Workplace..

      2) Self Perspective - It means -"  That Quality of being firmed...or That plus point which can be helpful to easily surpass through failures and over the other rivals.."
E.g.Good Communication or Interpersonal Skills, Good Elaborative Skills...

* Weakness - 
      1) Business Perspective - "Features which put it at disadvantages stage as compare to others.."
E.g. Cash Flow Problem, Unhygienic Workplace, Lack Of Training..
       2) Self Perspective - "That point which doesn't allow or help us to come out of our Comfort Zone ot at the time of our Failures.."
E.g. Bad Communication Skills, Lack of Confidence..

* Opportunities - 
      1) Business Perspective - " It means that ,That external factors which works positively for our business ..." 
E.g. Amendment in laws and act which makes our export easier....

       2) Self Perspective - " It means that , What other external factors like technology, internet works in favour of us..."
E.g. You have such unique qualities or skills which others don't have as per changing circumstances...

* Threat -
     1) Business Perspective - " What are the external factors which works negatively or impact negatively for our business.."
E.g. New Entrants, Unforseen Contingencies, Slow down in economy..

    2) Self Perspective - " What kind of obstacles or difficulties which impacts us negatively..."
E.g. Staff shortage overburdened us so that it hamper our Creativity...

* Brief Overview - 
While setting goals one must take into consideration that goals must be feasible , flexible and must set their goals after doing SWOT ANALYSIS....
SWOT ANALYSIS is that technique which helps us to know our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats ....We knows our own Positive and Negative Sides better than others.... 
        SWOT ANALYSIS will definitely helps us to set and achieve our goals...
    Hence ,do follow it.. let me know in the comments section what are your Strengths and Weaknesses....
This SWOT ANALYSIS will definitely help you to shape up your career...

Thank you for reading.....




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