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Showing posts from April, 2020

Summer skin care tips.....

                          SUMMER SKIN CARE TIPS....✍️           Hello friends,                    Don't you feel irritating in summer due to sweat,oily skin problem,rashes, allergies,acne or any other skin related issues?????if yes, then here I am to help you out with this let's have a look on my tips ..          Skin is called as a " MIRROR OF THE BODY".. so everyone of us is willing to have flawless , glowing skin..and every one of us want to go with the natural remedy to avoid side effects on because there is risk of applying some cosmetics or other skin care products which contains harmful chemicals which doesn't suits to our skin..           Skin is the most sensitive and somewhere one of the delicate part of our it needs to protect with extra care......

Something about MEMORIES .....

                                  MEMORIES......✍️           Hello friends,                 Here I have come with a new interesting topic ,which is quiet closer to everyone's heart...and the topic which has always remain everyone's favourite ,and we love to talk on that are the  "MEMORIES".. so let's have a look on it...          We all are filled with a lot of memories..and that could be joyful, cheerful, enthusiastic or some could be sad ,unhappy as well....           Memories are most lovable part in everyone's life..whether it is good or bad...good memories gives us positive vibes whereas, negative memories gives us negative vibes ....but although memory could be of any kind it's upon us how we are dealing with it.....        Sometimes good memories gi...

Interrelation between Mental peace and Beauty .....

                MENTAL PEACE AND BEAUTY           Hello friends, In my earlier articles,I have shared my views and knowledge regarding skin care,in this article I am going to share relevant information about beauty and peace which is somewhere disappearing now a days.. Peace is the state where we found calmness,silence at mental level..and that peace comes from doing yoga exercise regularly,doing meditation regularly etc.. meditation plays a vital role in maintaining a peace ..we all are aware about that,one must be peaceful and stressless at physical as well as mental level..but due to workload, different different responsibilities and restlessness of mind gives us stress because of which even if we want peace but can't find it.. Who doesn't like relaxing, cheerful, positive, energetic life?? everyone of us are known to the importance of peace ,but we tend to ignore it everytime or we didn't bothered a lot ...

Little bit about FEAR....

                                                  FEAR Hello friends, What we have seen in this picture??yaa it's a person who is showing that he is afraid of something or has beared a fear in his or her mind... As we all are well known with the fear..but what I am going to talk is little bit different so please  read it till the end.. FEAR is the state or phenomena where an unpleasent feeling trigger by perception of danger ,real or is an emotion induced by perceived danger or threat,which cases physiological changes and ultimately behavioural changes .. Our human body has a lot of sensation, feelings as well as emotions...some feelings are positive and necessary to express outwards...whereas some are negative and need not be express outwards..some feelings or emotions makes us strong and confident at mental level , where ...

Skin care tips .....

                         SKIN CARE TIPS.......✍️  Hello friends,         You all have read a lot on skin care tips,but here I am going to provide you some tried and helpful home remedies..     All of us have more concern with our skin,as our skin is quite delicate or gentle,so it needs extra attention and care..if we don't take proper care of it,then it gets damage like other body parts,our skin needs little bit additional nourishment to improve and retain its texture and prevent it from pollution and for the sake of our skin we can heel it from within by just doing some of the following steps - I bifurcated it in 3 ways - 1.Internal body (Intake) care 2.Yoga 3.external body care 1.internal body care -      First of all we have to focus on our daily food intake..Eat any fruit a day regularly.. Eat food which contains more fiber and vita...

All about depression.....

                            " DEPRESSION ".....✍️                 Yes readers ,you all have read it right,i am going to talk on a most commonly seen topic and sometimes may be too dangerous ...what we call it as "Depression"...            It is that state of mind where mind become restless,and brain is not able to judge anything,or handle the situation or even not able to take a simple decisions in one's life..        When one is suffering from this state of mind one feel boar,and slowly lacking interest in own's life and connection to the world get almost simply means ,it affects our health as well as whole life negatively.. depressed person always want to stay alone and don't want to talk to anyone..           Let's have a look on some of its SYMPTOMS - It may vary from mild to ...

Climate emergency or climate change.....

      CLIMATE CHANGE or CLIMATE EMERGENCY.......✍️                         This is the another issue which is still persist in the world...what do we literally mean by the word climate change or climate emergency ??        This word is literally means that - which encompasses the whole environment along with its issue ,which implies an urgency to act immediately to save the environment from the degradation.... As you can see in this picture that how rapidly our environment is degrading and this is only because of we the humans indicates that the worst  situation is not far more than we think...           As per Oxford dictionary it has chosen the 'CLIMATE EMERGENCY' as a word of year 2019...and defines the term as "situation in which urgent action is required to reduce or halt climate change and avoid potentially irreversible environmental da...

Healthy habits.....

As you have got an idea ,that what  today's topic is ??...      As our lifestyle is changing day by day,we have seen dynamism in all respects like taste ,habits and preferances....likes ,dislikes are varying regionwise , location wise and countrywise.... although this lifestyle is not suitable and beneficial for our health still we are adopting for the sake of our health ,it's better to follow healthy habits and keep our body fit and healthy ....some tips are mentioned hereunder - 1. Go to bed early -               In ancient days,our ancestors used to go to bed early,as there were no options of wasting time like social media...hence they do work rigoursly throughout the day and hence go to bed early...and due to consistent habit of sleeping early their quality of sleep is also good... 2. Wake up early -          Our ancestors are also used to wake up early ,as because they go to bed e...